Previous posts in this series have focused on the technical aspects of getting the G-Engine up and running. For this post, I’m going to take a short break from writing engine code to instead analyze how GK3 is built. It’ll be important to understand this as I move forward and try to recreate it.
As a data-driven game, GK3 makes heavy use of various custom data and file formats. I’ll refer to each piece of data as an asset.
A key challenge in this project is understanding what the different asset types are, how they relate to one another, how to parse and load them into memory, and how to make use of them at runtime in a meaningful way. The developers would have documented all this, but much of that is unavailable to me - time for some detective work!
This post focuses on those first two questions: what are the different asset types, and how do they relate to one another? We’ll take a look at the various assets, what they do, and the web of relationships between them.
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