G-Engine #2: Project Setup

The previous post introduced the G-Engine project. So here we are, ready to build a 3D game engine! This post walks through some early decisions, starting from absolutely nothing to having just an empty application window that can be moved around and closed.

This is not the most exciting end result, but there are plenty of important decisions to be made before we dig into actually writing game engine code.

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Insert, Push, and Emplace

Standard C++ containers (or collections) are essential tools. Some, like vector, queue, deque, and stack are list-like: elements are accessed by position. Others, such as map or set, are more associative in nature: elements are accessed by a key.

To add an object to a vector, you can call insert or push_back. Stacks and queues both allow you to add elements using push. Map allows insertions with insert or using the [ ] operator.

In C++11 and beyond, all these containers have new functions that seem to behave similarly to the above methods: emplace, emplace_back, and emplace_front.

Which begs the question: what’s the difference between these different methods of adding items to collections?

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